Losing the Plot Part Deux. Or how I Stopped Worrying and Love the Front of the Flat.

So I cleared out my shed this evening.

I’ve still not filled in the form and sent it back like I should, so technicially the allotment is still mine, but I’ve said my goodbyes and I won’t be returning to the plot. 

It’s a good thing, if absolutly heartbreaking. I never had time for it and if I’m brutely honest, I never will. A plot that size needs a lot of care and attention that I could never give it . Not on my own. And the plot is in such a bad state now I don’t think I could ever get it into a workable space unless I worked on it solidly for a good few weeks, and I just don’t have the time, the money or the transport to move waste and get the whole place sorted and even then, I don’t think I could keep it up. This way someone more deserving and who’s been on the waiting list for a while gets to have a go on it. Here’s to them.

It was hard leaving it. Who thought you could cry over a small piece of land? But as I stood in my shed for the last time, I suddenly remembered all the little things I did in there, like hammer in nails at random points to hang tools up, or messing around with shelves to tidy the place up, making a little thing to enable me to close the door from the inside so I could shelter from the rain and having copious amounts of tea in there while I plan what to do with the plot, and it just brings home what I’m going to be missing once I give this all up. It’s lovely nipping up there after work on a hot day watering the plants and just having a sit down listening to nothing but the birds and the sounds that plants make and really having an oasis away from everything that life throws at you.

I may have given up the lottie (or The Hoffmiester, as I once called it when I first got it) but I’ve not given up growing vegetables and food and stuff. When I first got the plot I lived in a lovely flat, but there was no outside space, apart from a couple of window sills that held a couple of boxes on them. For the past ten or so months, as you know, I’ve been living with the lovely Dave. I’m still in a flat but as we’re above shops we have a fair amount of space around the front door. I have a mini greenhouse there and a coal hole to store my tools. It’s not a massive space but has plenty of potential and I already have growbags with runner beans, peas, Chinese artichokes and lettuces growing away nicely in them and hanging baskets with tomatos just next to the door.

Front door. with Dave. And plants!

It looks nice and it’s so much easier to look after the plant. When I want to water (when it’s not bloody pissing it down) I don’t have to walk for twenty minutes and then spend over an hour watering everything, I just step out the door. Which is nice.

So this blog will probably change a little. I’m going to keep it up beause I enjoy it and I like recieving your comments. It’ll still be gardening based and full of the gubbins you’ve learnt to expect from here, but it’ll have a new layout (I love this one, but it’s too allotmenty) and I’ll change the about pages and other such things once I get a spare minute at work, and in the mean time watch put for exciting new articals such as Hampton Court Show review! Exclusive Gardener’s World news (sort of)!

6 Responses

  1. My poor heartbroken allotmenteer 😦
    Shes not lying you know, the plot was way out of control, many of the weeds taller than i am. What she hasn’t said though is that we saved a few things from the allotment. A score of peas which i had last night with my dinner which were very tasty ( thanks mildew) and the rose bush which was one of the 1st plants ever put in to the allotment and will probably be a lot happier not being choked by weeds.
    Its sad but true that you just didnt have the time to devote to it, look forward though and have hope, you’ll have your own garden eventually and for now you have pretty good place to nurture plants.

  2. I sympathise. I’ve waited until now to take on my half plot as I now work part-time so I’ll able to spend the time needed to work it.
    At least you can still grow things, and I’ll still be stopping by to see how you’re getting on, and of course commenting now and again. Take care.

  3. Awww, mate! My heart goes out to you, but you sound like you have made the right decision. And I’m sooooo glad you are keeping the blog cos I’d miss you and your tales of the fish-murdering, zombie-stomping love of your life 🙂

    You’ll love growing at home – soooo much easier 🙂

    p.s. Pumpkin Soup has made the same choice recently.

  4. Never mind Charwee, don’t be too upset. Just think of the experience you’ve had and what a lot you’ve learned from it all. One day you’ll have your own garden and you can potter about in it whenever you like instead of that 20 minute walk to the allotment and back again after a hard days work.

    Don’t give up the blog though – we’d all miss it if you did! xx

  5. Aw, thanks guys, those comments mean a lot.

    I knew there were a few things that I needed to mention, the last harvest being one and a mention of Pumpkin’s new potager (and others like yours, Burro and Veg Plot’s too), ta for the reminders!

    I shall be back soon, don’t worry Ma, I enjoy blogging too much to leave this place

  6. You’re welcome, and don’t forget to visit my allotment blog, FlightPlot, here on WordPress.
    I shall think of you when I’m there pottering. Luckily for me it’s no more than five minutes stroll up the road.

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