A deer ate my dress

This jeg lag thing is a breeze. After feeling really rather tired after arriving on Saturday, I had a six hour sleep and and also slept well that evening too, so I’m really rather well adjusted to the times here. I do keep getting up at six in the morning, which is just weird for me.

Ma, it was a kookaburra I saw on Saturday! I learnt that from going to the zoo yesterday. They really are lovely birds aren’t they? The photo above is him. Also at the zoo were some very loud baboons, lots of wallabies and hundreds millions of families out for the day. I saw a koala too, although he decided to hide his cute little face from all the visitors wanting to gawp at him.  Tasmanian devils are awesome.  While in the contact area of the zoo, I said hello to a lovely little deer that came from India, but because I didn’t buy any feed for him, he decided to munch on my dress instead. It took me about five minutes to wrestle and pull the skirt from out of his mouth. I now have a dodgy brown stain on there.

Speaking to one of the ladies in the tourist information booth, she suddenly because very concerned for me when she realised I was on my own. She gave me a piece of advise. “Don’t talk to any strange men” she said. “Talk to the nice looking boys, but not the strange men”

When you sit out in the small back yard in the hostel having a morning coffee, if you look up, you can see parrots flying around. It beats pigeons by lots. And robins for that matter.

Glenelg is a seaside suburb and to get to it to have to take a tram. It’s a lovely area and the beach is beautiful, even if the wind there makes it really quite cold. It’s a vibrant area with lots of bars and restaurants. I ate fish and chips on the beach. No cod or haddock on the menu here though, it’s butterfish and whiting. The butterfish is tasty. I reccomend it.

Ju and Bec, this picture is for you. For some reason I thought you’d appreciate it.

I’ve uploaded a few photos onto flickr.

It’s very hot by the way. 29°C today. Amazingly I’m not sunburned and am still pasty white with the exception of one red mark along my neck next to where my dress strap was.

I’m leaving Adelaide tomorrow and it’ll be a shame to say goodbye. I like this city a lot. I might be off line for a few days, as I’m not entirely sure where I’m staying as I’m doing the Great Ocean Road tour, it should be fun and interesting and very tiring and am really excited about it, especially as I’ve arranged my pick up, so no worries any more.