Shopping and Telly

I was given some free seeds today. From Topshop! That’s right, the high street clothes shop that’s the darling of every celebrity and every woman under the age of 40 (seriously. They’re the best. Even if I can’t find a pair of trousers big enough to fit me in there any more. 😦 😦 😦 ).

From next week, Topshop wants your rubbish. A week of clothes swapping, gardening tips and workshops showing your how to sew your own shopping bag. Which is great – there’s an awful lot of young impressionable girls who’ll come across this and Topshop have an awful lot of influence so hopefully a new breed of gardeners and crafters will spring forth from this week.
I watched Gardeners World for the first time in a few weeks tonight and was quite excited that Joe’s allotment is in Enfield. It’s just up the road from me! That was a nice surprise. Also a lovely tribute to Monty tonight. It’s a shame that he’s stepped down from presenting. I think he’s been the biggest gardening influence I’ve ever had, his passion on screen is unrivalled. Lets hope he has a speedy recovery.